Do you believe the mankind would have discovered the existence of moon or stars if there were no nights? Night gives us light. In a different way though. There can be no astronomy without darkness. Probably, man would not have had the first sparks of fire without nights. Or more so, the plants would have suffocated to death without their dark cycles in place. What is darkness? Is it a friend or a foe? Is it something nothing? Is the darkness, a form of light? Or is it the platform where the light stands? They say the speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s. Then, what is the speed of darkness? Is there anything like that? These questions remain to be in the darker side.
Frankly, I haven’t seen complete darkness. Can it be seen? Leave that. Whenever I am in dark, my mind switches on some memories--some good and some really bad. So, does this mean the light is just an illusion? You can’t touch the light anyway. If light is an illusion, then who are you and I? If you and I are illusions, who is/are controlling us? If we are not controlled, what is the use of creating us? Are they the people whom we call God? If they are the God, how will they look like? Is there any element other than light, which we are ignorant of? If there is one, what is that? How will we react to it? Is it visible? Can it be felt? Is that present in our planet? Where is its source? These questions continue endlessly.
To me, both light and darkness coexist in our mind. The levels too don’t vary much. Only thing that matters is what we take or what we leave. By this statement, I mean to say that it is impossible to remove the darker side from you. However, you can leave that beneath the carpet and make your better part to stand on it. After all, great men are those who act or believe that they are good. Let us learn the art of acting and live happily. Lights off. Bye for now. Tadaaaa…
To me, both light and darkness coexist in our mind. The levels too don’t vary much. Only thing that matters is what we take or what we leave. By this statement, I mean to say that it is impossible to remove the darker side from you. However, you can leave that beneath the carpet and make your better part to stand on it. After all, great men are those who act or believe that they are good. Let us learn the art of acting and live happily. Lights off. Bye for now. Tadaaaa…